Leader and founder of Ennahdha Islamist movement, Rached Ghannouchi (C), flanked by his general secretary Hamadi Jebali (R) and Ennahdha Assembly President Ali Laaraiedh (L), gives a press conference on October 19, 2011 in Ariana near Tunis. Tunisia's first post-revolution polls risk being rigged, the Islamist party leading opinion polls warned Wednesday, vowing a fresh uprising if vote was marred by fraud. "There is a risk of the election results being manipulated," Ennahda leader Rached Ghannouchi told a press conference in Tunis, warning: "If there is manipulation, we will rejoin the forces and the guardians of the revolution which ousted Ben Ali and the first (interim) government. We are ready to oust up to ten governments if needed." AFP PHOTO / FETHI BELAID (Photo by Fethi Belaid and - / AFP) (Photo by FETHI BELAID/AFP via Getty Images)
تأجيل مؤتمر النهضة يبدو أن حركة النهضة تتجه نحو تأجيل مؤتمرها الوطني الحادي عشر للحركة إلى سنة 2022. و يدفع في هذا الإتجاه رئيس حركة النهضة راشد الغنوشي الذي يسعى لربح الوقت من أجل تغيير موازين القوى داخل الحركة و إضعاف دور دور ما أصبح يعرف بمجموعة المائة و من المنتظر في هذا الإطار أن يعود حمادي الجبالي لصفوف الحركة.